Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

I hate my birthday. Actually, no that isn't right. I USED TO hate my birthday. Seriously. The fuss, the attention. Ugh. Not my cuppa tea.

A little different today. I'm having a wonderful day. A wake up SMS at my birthtime (thanks Ma!), more SMS's, as well as emails, phone calls and FB hellos. A stack of gorgeous pressies from hubby (yes, I know, they were from the kids... right!!!) and some handmade cards from the four sweethearts. Lunch with hubby and 3 of the short ones, come back to the office and my boss has bought me flowers. I was given a gift from my Mum via hubby at lunch, so have opened more gifty goodness.

I'm waiting for someone to come into the office and notice the flowers, so I can smile and tell them it's my special day :) I'm enjoying this and it's SOOOO unlike me. Love it!


Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to ya.

Raelene said...

Thanks Andrew :)

Cazzie!!! said...

A very very happy belated birthday to you!

Cazzie!!! said...

Onya Raelene... happy belated birthday woman!